Thursday, December 29, 2016

Rock Crusher Helicopter

This helicopter is equipped with a rock crusher that can convert rocks automatically into dust!

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Rescue Helicopter

It has a tail rotor and sponson. It has a main rotor. It rescues people.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Book 6: Gerald and Piggie Visit the Lane Motor Museum

A Chapter Book for Car Lovers.
This time the duo is headed to a motor museum to see funky cars. Modeled after the author's own experiences at the Lane Motor Museum, Nashville, TN.
Do not forget to fill gas and pay the bill. If you have made it all the way to the end, there is a game for you to play. Good luck!
Stay tuned for more!
All Rights Reserved. Agneya Dutta Pooleery. December 6th, 2016.

Tried our hand at sand painting for the cover design. Car number 35 has a funny exhaust.
Chapter 1. The bus to the Lane Motor Museum. The side window shows the destination "Lane".
Gerald and Piggie are waiting at the bus stop.
It arrives. They get on board and each have a window seat. The driver has a blue uniform.
On reaching the museum, the first exhibit they encounter is an Ice Race Car.

This one is modeled after the 1966 Citroen Ice Race Car - an actual exhibit at the museum. Visit if you would like to explore.
A race car. 

Not sure why these wheels look as they do. Wonder if that makes them go faster!

Ah, the Eskimo Car. 

The original 1942 Tatra Prototype Aeroluge. In 1939 when Germany invaded Czechoslovakia, they ordered output from the Tatra factories. For war use only.
Here's the original design in case you are curious.
Chapter 2. These funny shaped cars are keeping Gerald and Piggie busy. 

Now those marks up top -- they are not doodles as you would think. They are prototypes hanging from the wall - some with propellers.

And this one has a propeller - the one Gerald and Piggie loved!
They take pictures.
It is time to head home. They have now managed to get a car (even though they boarded a bus to the museum) and decide to fill up fuel at the Sunoco pump. The black machine is for the credit card. Regular - 87. Diesel - 88. Which one do you want to fill?

Start pumping the gas.

Here is the receipt. They filled 87 gallons (phew!!!!) at pump no. 68. Are you ready to take their money?

We are wondering whether the index of a book goes on the first or last page. Will let you know after our research.

And now that you have come so far, join Gerald for a game.

Click on any of the buttons labeled 1 through 8 and you will see a funny car from the Lane Motor Musuem. Good luck!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

On the recent Presidential election.

Agneya: Today we are voting for the president [on the relevant day]
Me: Who will you vote for?

Agneya: Abraham Lincoln. George Washington sounds good too.
Me: They are long gone. Your choices are Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton.
Agneya: I only vote for MALE presidents. 
Me: You could vote for either. 

Agneya: Well, when I am 35 years old, I will run for the president. 
Me: Good Luck!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Book 5: Gerald and Piggie's Space Trip. A Chapter Book.

Motivated by the author's visit to the Kennedy Space Center, Orlando, FL.

Gerald and Piggie are headed first to the moon and then to the red planet, Mars. Along the way they see many stars through their telescope. But dressing up like an astronaut in the space suit is the best part of all!
Have fun with yet another Gerald and Piggie adventure.
Stay tuned for more!
All Rights Reserved. Agneya Dutta Pooleery. November 6th, 2016.

The cover page.
A rocket with an external tank and thrusters.
Gerald and Piggie are dressing up in their space suits. They each have head sets and air tanks. Notice the American Flag.
They land on the moon. It has many craters.
Gerald and Piggie are at the International Space Station. It has solar panels. How many American flags do you see?
They came back to earth, but are ready for yet another adventure. Blast Off! The count down begins 3 2 1 ....
Gerald and Piggie's next stop is Mars. The Red Planet.
They are flying over earth. Notice Africa?
The NASA astronaut in his space suit with the American Flag.
Piggie is no where in sight. Should Gerald pull the gear of their space ship?
They look through their telescopes. They can see many stars. They are fascinated.
Time to head home. The thrusters are blowing out the gases. Do you see Saturn far away?
Time to head home.


Book 4: Gerald and Piggie's School Trip.

From the author of "Gerald and Piggie's Train Trip" and other books in this series.
Includes scintillating descriptions of incidents that take place in the author's class.
As always, the author would love your comments and reviews.
Stay tuned for more!
All Rights Reserved. Agneya Dutta Pooleery. October 17th, 2016.

The book cover.

Gerald and Piggie are at home - Apartment 75C.

They are ready for school, bag packs on the back.
Here comes bus no. 381. The driver has a blue cap!
The bus is taking Gerald and Piggie to the school. Don't miss the STOP sign there!
The teacher, Mr Rabbit with long ears gives instructions. "Lunch up top. Folder in the blue basket'. Gerald and Piggie have many friends including porcupine, penguin and hedgehog who come to school with them.
A close-up of the class teacher - Mr. Rabbit. Lunch has to be put on top of the shelf.

The homework folder goes in the blue basket.

Lessons begin. The letter "i" will be studied today.

Upper case and Lower case I. Practice writing on the white board. Gerald and Piggie work hard!

And do not forget the vowels and consonants. I is a vowel!

More language lessons. Spellings and more ... but this is fun!

The long day seems never ending!
And then the after school program - Just For Kids (JFK). Gerald and Piggie make crafts at JFK. Finally, it is time to go home.

Had a lovely day at school.


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Freight Train

Motivated by the innumerable freight trains that run between Buffalo, NY and the city. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Lego Bullet Train

It has four wheels that run very fast. It's antennae provides electricity.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Book 3: Gerald and Piggie's Train Trip.

Book 3: "Gerald and Piggie's Train Trip" is here!
Author and Illustrator: Agneya Dutta Pooleery.
Based on the author's own travels between Buffalo, NY. and Hamilton, NJ.
The book ships with some original music scores -- for example, when the train approaches the station. I promise to record those for you next time!
The author would love your comments and reviews.
Stay tuned for more!
All Rights Reserved. Agneya Dutta Pooleery. October 4th, 2016.
Gerald and Piggie arrive at the station in their cars. Their home is close to the Depew Station.
There is an announcement. Please stand back from the yellow line. 'Train Approaching'. ....Onnnnn!!!!

[Music Score ....]
There comes the colorful engine with orange wheels, couplings, antennae and headlight. Modeled after the NJ Transit train - including its logo.
Gerald and Piggie get on board and find themselves a seat by the window.
It is a loooong train ride. It gets dark - the moon comes out.
The cafe car is open and ready for service. The service will be provided by Gerald's friend, another elephant. They have burgers, drinks and cookies. The red microwave is for heating up your sandwiches. Gerald, wearing jersey no. 18 is ready for some snacks and wondering what he will get. Cookies, he decides.
t's just coffee and cookies with Piggie in the cafe car. Be careful - the coffee is steaming hot!
They reach their destination late in the night. Station name: Olympic St. Gerald and Piggie get off the train with their luggage - a red suitcase.

They head out of the station as the moon shone in the sky.

They will drive to their destination in cars. The house has a skylight and garage doors which open as they come in.
The long journey is over. The End.