Thursday, July 23, 2020

The Game Of Go: Read this and you can play!

The Game: A game of Go starts with a Go board that is empty. One player takes the black stones, the other takes the white. Players take turns, putting stones on top of the board.
Once a stone has been placed down on the board, the move cannot be taken back. To win the game, a player needs to have more territory than the other. In this figure, count where the lines intersect in the middle of the black stones. The lines intersect in 15 places, so black gets 15 points of territory. Stones that have been placed on the board do not count as points.
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The Capturing Rule: In this figure shown below, if black plays at the A, the white stones gets taken prisoner and must be removed from the board, also giving white points. In this case, 2 points. You can capture stones by surrounding them, from top to bottom, and left to right. If black plays at the A, this prevents the black stones from being captured. Captured stones are called “Agehame”. The stones that are a move away from being captured is called “Atari”. If black plays in the places that are open in the second figure, these stones would be immediately captured.

The Ko rule: The Ko rule describes when 2 single stone captures repeat.

If back plays at the empty space, the white stone will be captured.
White could play at the x also and capture the black stone. This could result in an endless exchange. To prevent this from happening, Black cannot immediately recapture the white stone on the right shown in the figure above. The Ko rule forbids each player to immediately recapture the other’s stones when his or her stones have been captured.

The Komi rule: By going first, black stones have the advantage. So, to compensate, white gets 7 ½ points.

Handicaps: The game of Go may be played with a handicap for player strength differences. The weaker player takes the black stones, and either moves first, giving white only a handicap of ½ points.

Passing: On his or her turn, you may pass your turn by handing your opponent a stone.

Illegal moves: If a player makes an illegal move, it is not allowed and is counted as a pass move.

The Game Ends: If both black and white pass their moves, the game ends.

The Last Move: White must make the last move. If necessary, another pass move may be made.

Counting Points: There are two methods of counting points. One is based on territory, the other, area. Although the player’s scores will differ under these two methods, the outcome will be the same.

Countries That Play Go:
And Many more!
Origin: Go originated in China about 4,000 years ago. It is of East Asian origin. The game was taken to Japan in about 500 CE and became popular during the Japanese Heian period (794-1185 BC). It is also played in Korea, and many more countries.

Stones: Go is played with 181 Black stones and 180 White stones. They are placed on intersection on the board.

Development in the West: Go has been slow to spread to other parts of the world not like other games of Asian origin. Oskar Korschelt brought the game to Europe, especially to Germany and Austria.

Thanks for reading! You can find more information here --

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Wood Block Designs

I used markers to create these wood block designs. The first and third have geometric patterns, the second is a mixture of colored lines and fourth uses a comma shaped pattern.