Thursday, November 28, 2019

Spike Dude No. 1

Spike Dude rescues the teachers. But the school kids say, "Oh Man!" because the teachers are mean.

Introducing Spike Dude.

Spike Dude is flying through the air. Captain Underpants says "It's a bird!". Dog man says, "It's a plane!". Chief says, "It's Spike Dude!". Spike Dude is on his way to defeat a villain. He has spikes on his arms which he uses to punch his enemy.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Comic Strip. Big Battle -- Number One -- Created on 11/22/2019

Two angry men are having a fight. The good guy has a broken sword and has low health. The bad guy thinks he can win. But .... Visit us next week for the sequel.